Saturday, March 21, 2009

New at this...

SO...I'm taking a leap and becoming a blogger. I have laughed at those before me, but I'm going to try it out...see how it goes. I am sure my husband will be more diligent about updating information and photos that I.
I hope to keep this updated with the happs of the Frazier family of Houston, Tx...not to be confused with those in other states and countries.
Right now, I am reflecting on a great week with my boys and dreading going back to school on Monday.
We took our first road trip/vacation to San Antonio--Sea World this week. I honestly think that Jack enjoyed staying in a hotel room more than anything...all and all it was a successful trip...we had fun.

1 comment:

  1. wow I am the first one to comment on your blog!! How are you Brooke? Jack is so cute, I can't wait to keep up with the Fraziers of houston Texas via this blog! Nat
